. Did you know most business people can identify an impersonal targeted email marketing message in 0.5 seconds?

Did you know most business people can identify an impersonal targeted email marketing message in 0.5 seconds?

Email is convenient, allows you to send and receive messages from anywhere in the world, and when sending an email you aren’t afraid that you might be interrupting someone by texting or calling them on the phone. Targeted email marketing has become a marketing tool of choice for almost every type of business. Because of this, people receive a significant amount of marketing emails every day. That, in turn, has made them more aware of when a targeted email is a valid sales pitch or is just spam. Did you know most business people can identify an impersonal targeted email marketing message in 0.5 seconds? They can spot a time wasting “let’s explore the possibilities” email from a mile away. So how do you get people to notice your sales emails and get them to respond? Here are four tips to getting more responses to your targeted email marketing campaigns.

4 Email Marketing Campaign Tips

1. Simple Subject Lines – The first thing to look at with any targeted email marketing campaign is to take a closer look at the subject line. It’s your first opportunity to get someone to notice your message. Busy people tend to only scan through their emails, not leaving much time to actually read what’s being said. Because of this, you need to say something in your email subject line that is going to get the recipient to respond and consciously think about what the contents of the email might be. A good strategy is to keep it simple yet intriguing.

For example, if you want someone to attend your event, consider writing a subject line that will spark curiosity such as using their name in the subject line and the name of the event: “Jennifer + Attending the Women’s Conference?”

2. Be Concise and Get To The Point – The number one objective to any good sales email is to get a response. If you are asking people to take time out of their busy day to answer your email, it should be very clear what you are asking for. Look at your email and ask yourself, “Will the recipient of this email need to ask more questions?” If the answer is yes, then go back and rewrite your email until you’ve clearly stated what you want.

Another tip is to never assume that someone is going to read your entire email. Make it clear in the first 2 sentences what you are looking for from the recipient.

3. Establish Credibility – Chances are you’ve heard the old saying, “People like to buy from people they trust.” This statement is true. People pay attention to others they trust and will more likely respond to emails they feel they are trustworthy. When developing a targeted email marketing campaign try and build trust by giving your reader details and relevant information. Don’t be vague. People often consider vagueness as being untruthful, so make sure you’re giving them all the information necessary up front.

4. Be Persistent – Finally, be persistent. If you are having trouble getting someone to respond to a message, avoid automatically thinking that they have rejected your email. Many things can prevent people from responding to your targeted email marketing campaign. Consider sending a follow-up email with a different subject line to see if you can get a response that way. Just remember to be polite, persistent and give your targets a few days or even a week before following up again.

Have you run a successful email marketing campaign? What do you think made it work? We want to hear from you.

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Three Girls Media, Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency with teams in Silicon Valley and the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs.

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Photo Credit: Frederick Md Publicity

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