In my last couple of posts I’ve discussed how to prepare to pitch the media and then pitching itself. But if you want to see your business in the news, your work doesn’t stop there; the way you interact with journalists at magazines, newspapers and other media outlets is extremely important, too. Keep reading for the last two steps of this public relations guide: how to follow up and show your gratitude.

Public Relations Guide: Step 4 – Follow Up!

Journalists always have a lot going on. Ten years ago they had plenty to keep them busy, and then the media landscape changed and they became even busier, creating more content online and having less staff at magazines, newspapers, TV and radio stations across the country; this is why it’s important to check in with them every once in a while to keep your story top of mind. This step is definitely a balancing act, though! Follow up too often and you’re annoying, but too infrequently and you fall completely off their radar. The key is to be pleasantly persistent.

It definitely comes down to some judgment calls, but here are a few general guidelines:

  1. Follow their directions. If they tell you to check in again in “a couple of months,” make a note in your calendar to follow up in 2-3 months. If they say “the week of May 19,” make a note to touch base then.
  2. Stay friendly and be accommodating. Use words like “please” and “thank you,” and keep the tone pleasant and positive – even if they only send you a half-sentence reply. Also, if they ask you to send a product sample, more information and/or photos, get them everything they request as soon as possible.
  3. Give them time to work. Of course you want to see results, but securing coverage in media outlets (especially magazines) can take a while. Don’t expect confirmation of coverage right away.

When is it okay to follow up again?

  • First of all, if the journalist doesn’t respond to your pitch, wait for a few weeks or even a couple of months and then try again with a different angle.
  • If he or she does respond, send what they request right away, give them time to digest everything and/or try your product and then check in again in a few weeks.
  • After that, check in periodically.

Public Relations Guide: Step 5 – Show Gratitude!

Send a hand-written thank you card to show your gratitude.

Send a hand-written thank you card to show your gratitude.

So what do you do if your business makes it into a few magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs or TV/radio shows? Show your gratitude! Being a journalist is a thankless job. People are constantly asking for coverage, and then once they do that favor and share your news, their work is forgotten. Although sending a quick email to let them know you appreciate it never hurts, an even better way to show your gratitude is to send a hand-written thank you card. This is such a simple thing to do, and yet it’s a part of the process that is so often overlooked. Let them know you liked the article and tell them thanks – that’s it! Of course, it’s always a good idea to include your business card, too.

Do you want to see your business in newspapers, magazines, blogs or other types of media? Although it takes a lot of time and effort, the five steps I shared over the past few weeks (creating a plan, building your media lists, creating pitches, following up and showing gratitude) will give you a guide to follow along the way. Have questions or want to know more? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Photo Credit: Naypong via

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