My name is Paige and I’m addicted to smoothies.

I have to have one every day and if I don’t, I’m crabby, a bit lethargic and unfocused. I’ve got smoothies down to a science: Banana, strawberries, blueberries, flax seed, wheat grass, green tea, peanut butter, spinach, kale, yogurt and juice. It’s the same every day. That is, until one morning my boyfriend asked me if I ever changed it up. I looked at him and said, “But what if I don’t like it?”

What do smoothies and social media management have in common?

What do smoothies and social media management have in common?

Then it hit me. Turns out, social media management and smoothies have a lot in common.

3 Similarities between Smoothies & Social Media Management

1. The same recipe is boring. 

Sure, it’s safe. I know what my smoothie is going to taste like and I know that I’m going to love it. However, I’m probably missing out on some pretty amazing recipes that are delicious and more nutritionally beneficial. This same idea applies to social media management. Just because something worked well once, that doesn’t mean you should post it on social media channels every day. Don’t be afraid to switch it up… you’ll surprise not only yourself, but also your audience. 

2. Don’t miss a day. 

Like I said before, not having a smoothie can wreak havoc on my day. Skipping the monitoring of your social media can have the same effect. While it may not be necessary to post to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest every day, it is extremely vital that your business is present online. Don’t miss out on opportunities to engage with customers and alter your social media management tactics when necessary. You’ll save yourself the headache later.

3. Skip the unnecessary ingredients.

I choose my smoothie ingredients based on their specific benefits and ability to mix together. Throwing carrots in just because they’re good for me isn’t going to make my smoothie taste good. Think of social media management the same way. You may hear that you should post four times on Facebook, three times on Twitter and pin six things on Pinterest every day, but it might not be the best option for you or your business. Think about what you want your audience to get out of your content and stick to what works well together. Don’t be afraid to take chances (see point number 1), but don’t flood your audience’s feed with unnecessary fodder.

What other similarities can you think of? Also, I’d love to hear your favorite smoothie recipe in the comments below!

Photo Credit: @N3T10

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Three Girls Media, Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency founded in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley with a team in the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs.

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