Over the Holiday weekend, chances are there will be time for some fun activities with family and friends. Board games like Scrabble are family-friendly and always remind me of relaxing time spent over the holidays. Here are 5 public relations lessons we can learn from the game of Scrabble.

Photo Courtesy: garlandcannon

Photo Courtesy: garlandcannon

5 PR Lessons from Scrabble

  1. Look at Problems from All Angles

When playing Scrabble and practicing public relations, it’s important to look at situations from multiple angles. When you’re swamped with a project at work, it can be helpful to “re-scramble the tiles” to get your creative juices flowing and start over with a fresh perspective.

  1. Take on Many Forms

The game of Scrabble comes in travel size, regular size, online, video game and many other special editions. The creators of Scrabble have made the game easily accessible to anyone who wants to play it. Be as accessible in your business and make sure you have a strong presence online, in print and in person.

  1. Start a Following

Scrabble has been successful at forming niche groups and loyal followers. Official Scrabble clubs and worldwide competitions show how widespread the love of the game is. Public relations also benefits from forming a strong following of supporters. Start a blog or an online forum to establish yourself as an thought leader.

  1. Form Partnerships

Forming partnerships can be a great way to build relationships in public relations. Just as PR is about cultivating and maintaining the relationships, the game of Scrabble is about seeing relationships in front of you. By moving letters around and trying to fit them on the board without breaking the rules, you are taking stock of and maintaining current trends. This helps you see yourself within a larger picture.

The game of Scrabble has also stepped up and formed recent partnerships to try and spread the game’s popularity. Recently, Scrabble has teamed with unlikely partners such as subscription-based beauty services.

  1. Sometimes Less is More

Don’t think using long words will always give you the most points in a game of Scrabble. Sometimes the shorter words pack a huge advantage, especially letter tiles like ‘x’ and ‘z.’ If you land on a triple word score, a two letter word can net you more points than a longer word. Likewise, less is more in public relations. Sending out a short and sweet pitch will get you noticed and respected much faster than sending out a novel.

Playing a game of Scrabble is also a great way to prepare your mind for working and writing. If you can’t think of any good words, don’t worry. The Scrabble Dictionary is always there to help you.


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