I am growing an avocado tree from a seed and although it seems like something that can’t possibly relate to public relations, the experience has taught me a ton of PR lessons! Avocado is a tricky plant to grow and after several unsuccessful attempts, finally sprouting a strong tree has caused me to reflect on the ways that gardening can be similar to managing a marketing campaign.

4 Public Relations Lessons From Growing An Avocado Tree

1. Think Simple: As simple as growing the pit of an avocado from the grocery store, I love to find new foods that can be regrown using only scraps. While it’s not your first instinct to grow things from grocery store leftovers, sometimes the simplest approach is the one that works the best. Rather than sourcing exotic seeds and plants from around the world, it’s an important PR lesson to remember that the best options may be the ones right in front of you.

2. Be Prepared To Tweak Your Approach: Avocados are very temperamental plants in their early stages so I’ve had to constantly move it around the house to find the location it liked the best. Even though it’s nearly two feet high, I still pay close attention to signs the plant sends saying it’s receiving too much water or too much light. Like this finicky little tree, a good public relations campaign should be measured often and easy to tweakat a moment’s notice if you find a particular plan isn’t working.

3. Be Very Patient: Sprouting an avocado from a seed isn’t nearly as easy as buying fresh avocados from the store and I’ve had to be very patient to notice the plant’s growth. It took over a month to sprout and the growth of the tree has been very slow. Public relations campaigns are similar; it’s important to allow 6-12 months at the minimum to notice real change.

4. Look To The Future: I’ve heard that to garden is to believe in the future and I’ve found that to be true! Who knows; in 10 years, I may just get an avocado! When planning for public relations, it’s also important to look at the big picture and envision your plan for the future.

I’ve had to use different approaches, practice patience and look to the future when growing my avocado tree; these PR lessons can help inform your next campaign. Have you ever noticed these lessons when growing a plant?

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