Recently while browsing Pinterest, I found an interesting recipe to cook bacon and eggs in a whole new way. As a newbie to experimenting with bacon, I was so excited to try it! The process was delicious and maybe not so nutritious, but it taught me a few things I could apply to public relations. Here are 3 PR lessons from experimenting with bacon.

What's your favorite way to experiment with bacon?

What’s your favorite way to experiment with bacon?

3 PR Lessons from Experimenting With Bacon

  1. Use Your Resources

I have a great non-stick muffin tray that unfortunately, doesn’t get used that often. As I browsed unique bacon recipes on Pinterest, I found one that used a muffin tray to form bacon cups that held an egg. A light switched on in my head that a muffin tray can be used for much more than just desserts! Use this as one of your PR lessons and survey your available resources to see if you can get creative with what you already have.

  1. Make it Your Own

When following the recipe, I decided to make a few tweaks to add extra veggies, use scrambled eggs and cheddar cheese. I love adding my own twist on a classic recipe; if you own a bar or restaurant, create seasonal cocktails or menu offerings that are unique to your brand. A great example is Red Robin seasoning; fans crave it!

  1. Get Wildly Creative

Some of the most delicious flavor combinations I’ve tried have come from bizarre and creative concoctions using bacon. There’s a lot of PR lessons we can learn from cooking, but bacon is a food that has been widely experimented with and celebrated. From bacon cocktails to bacon Band-Aids, the food has become a unique ingredient to add to anything.

Using available resources, adding your own twist to an existing idea and thinking way outside the box are all PR lessons I learned from experimenting with bacon. What’s your favorite bacon recipe?


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