Are you looking to hire a marketing agency but aren’t sure what questions you should be asking the company’s you’re vetting?

In this episode of Two Minute Marketing Tips, Three Girls Media CEO, Erika Taylor Montgomery will give you a comprehensive list of questions and expectations you should have for any marketing agency, to make sure they’re the right one for you.

Erika shares:

  • Foundational questions to help evaluate marketing agencies
  • How to quickly assess agencies and choose the right one for your company

Get the scoop on what you need to know about digital marketing right now by listening to other Two Minute Marketing Episodes like:

To hear more Two Minute Marketing Tips see Erika’s SoundCloud, Spotify or iTunes channels. Thanks for listening!

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Sign up for a complimentary consultation during December and receive an Annual Marketing Planning Guide valued at $475!  We offer a 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO, and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs - no strings attached. Call 408-218-2391 or contact us today to arrange your consultation!

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