2020 has undoubtedly been an abnormal year and, as it comes to a close, now is the time to start thinking about your marketing strategy for the coming year. What’s been working well? What hasn’t? What new tactics will you try in 2021? In this episode of Two Minute Marketing Tips, I explain how to create your 2021 marketing strategy.
You will learn:
- How to strategize based on your specific goals and audience
- How to put your plan into action
- How to utilize your analytics to improve your plan
Want more Two Minute Marketing Tips? Get outstanding insight into boosting your social media presence by listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or SoundCloud:
Marketing Strategy Part 1: 14 Simple Steps To A Successful Etsy Marketing Strategy: Listen on SoundCloud, Spotify or Apple Podcasts
Marketing Strategy Part 2: How Buyer Personas Can Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy: Listen on SoundCloud, Spotify or Apple Podcasts
Marketing Strategy Part 3: How To Create A SMART Marketing Plan: Listen on SoundCloud, Spotify or Apple PodcastsTo hear more Two Minute Marketing Tips see my SoundCloud, Spotify or Apple Podcasts channels. Thanks for listening!
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