How often do you come up with new ideas for your business? This is the month to focus on creativity! January is designated as International Creativity Month, a time that reminds us that thinking outside the box is just as important (if not more important) than simply following established procedures.

How do you come up with fresh, innovative ideas for your business’s marketing plan and put them into action? Keep reading for suggestions to embrace your creativity and six steps to make them a reality.

How To Develop Creative Marketing Ideas

When you think of coming up with creative ideas, there are probably the standard tidbits of advice that come to mind:

  • Keep a notebook with you to write down thoughts when they pop into your head.
  • Change your environment; work somewhere different.
  • Write down everything you think of (even if they initially seem like bad ideas).
  • Put down the cell phone, tablet and other electronic distractions.
  • Doodle or draw to use a different part of your brain.
  • Read the news and your industry’s trade publications.
  • Embrace downtime.
  • Play.
  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Do something new that’s out of your comfort zone.

But what does research say? According to studies conducted by the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, the number one thing you can do to increase creativity and develop new ideas is to be open to new experiences.

Try new things for your marketing strategy

Being open to new things can be incredibly beneficial to your marketing strategy.

What that means is constantly challenging yourself beyond your comfort zone, questioning assumptions, being intellectually curious and appreciating beauty. Personal growth is intimately tied to openness and experience. Any exposure to things that take you out of your normal way of viewing the world really increases cognitive flexibility and is a core part of creativity.

Research also shows that new ideas can be generated from simple, everyday activities like going for a walk and taking a shower. The thought is that nature, movement and relaxation all play a part in your mind creating innovative thoughts. Another theory is that transition activities like walking, jogging, showering and falling asleep allow the mind to wander, providing an opportunity for it to develop new creative solutions to a problem at hand.

Additional research-backed insights show that creative new ideas can stem from:

  • Making time for solitude as well as collaboration. “Research has found that creative people frequently require solitude in order to generate interesting new ideas, and then turn to collaboration to spin those ideas into a coherent concept or product.”
  • The ability to shift your mindset to “think like a kid” or an outsider that’s new to your field. As this study shows, “There is a benefit in thinking like a child to subsequent creative originality.”
  • The determination to keep trying. As numerous highly successful people have said:
    • “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison
    • “Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.” – Benjamin Franklin
    • “I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan
    • “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” – J.K. Rowling
  • The color green. A study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin showed, “When students were given creativity tests, those whose test-cover pages had a green background gave more creative answers than those whose pages were white, blue, red or gray.” It’s thought that this is because, to many, green represents fertility, growth and renewal.
  • Daydreaming. It’s been shown that letting your mind wander gives it the opportunity to subconsciously come up with new approaches to problems you’re facing.
  • Moderate drinking, perhaps because it releases some inhibitions.
  • Watching funny videos. Those funny cat videos you find on YouTube are shown to put viewers in a positive mood, which is linked to higher creativity.

Instilling New Ideas Into Your Marketing Plan

Here are six steps to add your new, creative ideas into your company’s marketing strategy:

  1. Keep a list. As you go for a walk or take a shower, write down new ideas that pop into your head. Make sure you’re following the advice above by making time to think by yourself or approaching your field like a child might. Maybe surround yourself with the color green, whether it’s getting out into nature or filling your space with houseplants (or even pictures of trees). Take a break to find some funny videos on YouTube. Write down any and all new ideas that come to mind, even if you can’t see a connection to your marketing plan right away.
  2. Review your list. Do any of your new ideas stand out to you? Can you think of ways to relate them to your business’s marketing strategy? Don’t be afraid of something that may seem “out there.” New and creative approaches can seem crazy but are often worth considering.
  3. Prioritize. Which ideas do you want to try first? It’s much better to try one new approach at a time. You want to do it well and really take the time to see how it works rather than split your focus between numerous ideas you don’t have the energy and resources for.
  4. Set a goal.

    SMART goals for marketing strategies

    Setting goals for your marketing strategy will help you achieve the results you desire.

What do you hope to achieve with your new idea? And by when? Make sure the goals you set for yourself are SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Timely



5. Create a plan of attack. How will you put your new idea into motion? What tactics will you use as you implement it into your marketing strategy?

6. Evaluate. After a reasonable amount of time (likely six months to a year), consider how the new tactic went. Was it a successful part of your marketing strategy? Is there something you should change about it and try again?

Slowly work your way through your list of new ideas and keep track of the ones that work well and the ones that don’t. Implementing new tactics into your business’s marketing one at a time will allow you to regularly breathe fresh life into your plan and prevent your business’s marketing strategy from getting stale.

Marketing Resources For Putting Creative Ideas Into Action

Marketing tools for your marketing strategy

You don’t have to do everything on your own! There are many available tools that can enhance your marketing strategy.

What if you need some outside resources for implementing your new marketing strategies? Don’t miss this helpful list of websites that can help:

  1. is a fantastic resource for creating visuals. Through this website, you’re able to select the dimensions of the image you’d like to create based on how you plan to use it (Facebook, Pinterest, etc.) and manipulate pictures and text to design a custom image for your business. In addition to being able to upload your own photos to use, Canva also has a stock image library; you can choose from their free pictures or purchase the rights to the one(s) you like for $1 each.
  2. Adobe Express is a helpful resource for creating video slideshows. It’s easy to use, comes with stock background music and is free or inexpensive, depending on which plan you choose to use.
  3. HubSpot created five infographic templates you can use to design your own visual guides!
  4. If you want to add more timely updates to your blogging, social media marketing or other elements of your content marketing plan, is a great resource! In addition to listing all sorts of upcoming notable days, they list months of the year for you to reference (such as Breast Cancer Awareness Month or International Creativity Month).
  5. Free Stock Photos is another HubSpot resource that allows you to create custom content for your company. Their image library includes all sorts of pictures you can download and use in your business’s marketing efforts for free.

In Conclusion

Although International Creativity Month is only during the month of January, as a business owner it’s important you constantly come up with new, innovative strategies year-round. Do you have any suggestions to add to my advice? Share your tips and insight in the comments below! I’d love to hear what’s worked well for you and your company.

Also, if you need some ideas for adding fresh life into your business’s marketing plan, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a 30-minute complimentary consultation! We’re happy to provide advice and insight for your company’s social media marketing, blogging for SEO, email marketing and more.

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