Articles Consumers Love…
And Search Engines Find!

Why pay for blogging services if they’re not going to be effective? At Three Girls Media, Our tried and true methods have been proven to drive results including increased organic web traffic, higher domain authority and consumer reach.

Expert Blogging For Businesses

Did you know companies that blog receive 80 percent more new website visits than those that don’t?

blogging expert girl

Professional Blogging For Businesses

Blogging is important for businesses to demonstrate their expertise. By writing specialized blog articles about your business, you show your audience that you are the top expert in your field, attracting new customers. So, what can Three Girls Media do for you? When it comes to blogging, we know what works and what doesn’t. Our expert blogging specialists research and write compelling, informative articles that show off your business’ expertise and generate site traffic. We never use AI as a substitute for skilled, creative human writers. 

We also utilize the latest search engine optimization (SEO) best practices by skillfully blending strategic elements throughout each post, positioning them where they’ll have the most impact, and implementing SEO techniques on the backend of your website. To further ensure the blog topic and headlines will perform effectively on search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo!, we also make use of specific industry tools to test and compare article elements.

To effectively create expert blog articles, we combine multiple elements so the posts have not only intriguing content, but works for your business’s website and search engines alike. Some key components of blogging include:

  • Researching high-value keywords
  • Writing compelling, informative, easy-to-read content
  • Inserting alt tags, meta descriptions and geo-tagged images
  • Analyzing headline effectiveness
  • Crafting keyword-rich excerpts

You can see examples of our blogging expertise on our own website by clicking here.

Do you have questions about how blogging can benefit your business? Contact us today for a complimentary consultation!

We worked with the team at Three Girls Media to develop a blogging strategy comprised of thought leadership content, frequent and consistent posts, and SEO best practices. Collaborating and executing on our strategy has delivered a significant lift in organic website traffic, and has helped us reach top positions in search results!

Kerry Cotter

Digital Marketing Manager, WEI

Curious About Some Of Our Other Services?

Visit our Content Marketing, Blogging for SEO and Digital Advertising pages for additional ways to get the word out about your business.

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