It takes 50 milliseconds for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they’ll stay and engage or leave.

Source: Taylor & Francis Online

Woman using a website

That’s why strategic web design matters. Three Girls Media’s expert web designers create compelling websites that make your brand stand out from the competition.

Get Expert Help With Website Design

……Research shows 75 percent of consumers evaluate a company’s credibility based solely on their website design. Clearly, it’s incredibly important your brand has a strong website. We develop strategic websites that will engage visitors with your brand.

Our Website Design & Build Services Include:

  • Custom website design/build complete with mobile-responsive design that’s compatible across device.
  • Carefully crafting compelling, SEO-rich website content with your target customers in mind. We don’t rely on AI to replace talented, creative human writers.
  • Front-end and back-end search engine optimization (SEO) including keyword research, copywriting, alt tags, meta descriptions, geo-tagging and more.
  • Providing captivating stock or brand imagery that tells your unique story.
  • Fixing website challenges and problems. 
  • WordPress Custom Theming & CMS platform builds.
  • WordPress platform website maintenance, management, and client training.
  • Hand-coded Static Pages using HTML5/CSS3 (Grid & Flexbox)/jQuery (stable, fast loading, secure)
  • WCAG 2.0 ARIA Compliance (by request only)
  • Cross-device & browser testing: iOS Safari, Chrome (desktop, iPhone, iPad), Win 7 IE 11, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Win 10 Edge (additional browser/OS version testing by request only)

Check Out Some Examples Of Our Web Designer’s Work!

Viva Eve homepage web design by Three Girls Media

Like Our Website Designs?

Get a website designed precisely for your brand. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation about our web design services and how we can help create a website that will invite users to engage with your brand. Interested in how we can help your business beyond a website? Check out our other services!

We also have a wealth of articles about web design and search engine optimization. Here are a few:

Contact us today to learn more and arrange a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO!

Curious About Some Of Our Other Services?

Visit our Content Marketing, Blogging for SEO and advertising pages for additional ways to get the word out about your business.

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