Research shows that Pinterest pins have a better chance of driving future sales than many other social media platforms.
The holidays are over, making this is good time to start rethinking your brand awareness and social media strategy for the New Year. If your company hasn’t considered including Pinterest in this year’s social media strategy, you should. It’s a popular destination for users who want to share photos. It’s especially popular amongst e-commerce sites and mobile apps that want to raise their brand awareness. According to eBizMBA, Pinterest is now the fifth most popular social media site with an estimated 140,500,000 unique monthly visitors.
There’s also a growing buzz about the way it’s helping retailers such as Target boost sales. The newest data says that every pin on Pinterest is worth $0.75 in sales. It may not sound like much, but it’s a big deal in the world of start-ups where most content-based companies make no revenue. Research shows that Pinterest pins also have a better chance of driving future sales than many other forms of short-lived social media content. It’s also a great place to reach new audiences and increase visits to your company website.
Here are a 4 ways to jumpstart your Pinterest social media strategy in the New Year.
1. It’s Not About You – Just like your company’s social media strategy for other platforms, Pinterest isn’t just about you. Don’t just pin things about your products, company or services because you want to raise your brand awareness. If you only talk about yourself people will tune out and stop paying attention to your pins. Instead, post pins that are interesting and related to your products. For example, if your product is a fashion accessory, consider pinning posts about new fashion trends.
2. Hold Contests – One of the best ways to grow brand awareness and drive Pinterest followers to your social media networks is to hold contests. One great idea is to hold a contest asking Pinterest followers to create a board using or inspired by your company’s products or services. For example, Gilt ran a “Pin to Win: Gilt Wedding Style” contest where Pinterest followers were asked to follow the brand, create a board with that title and repin one of five pre-selected wedding gowns. Then, Pinterest followers were asked to pin other pictures inspired by those looks.
3. Demonstrate Product Uses – If you have a product that has many features, use Pinterest to demonstrate its different uses. For example, Chobani, a Greek yogurt, can be used to make healthy dishes and snacks. Its boards are filled with recipes showing Pinterest followers how to use their yogurt as a substitute. This features the product as much more than just a snack, raising its brand awareness.
4. Embed Boards – Another way of raising your brand awareness on your Pinterest boards is to use a “Board Widget” that enables you to embed an entire pin board onto your company website. One company that’s has had success sharing its most popular pins on its website is West Elm, a furniture and home décor retailer. This way you cannot only drive traffic to your site, but also drive it back to your social media page.
What’s your social media strategy using Pinterest in the New Year? We want to hear from you!
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Photo Credit: mkhmarketing