I like movies about space travel, and recently I saw ‘Interstellar.’ Reminiscent of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey,’ it’s a fantastic deep space movie that does a great job of taking a huge message and serving it up in an entertaining film that’s quite easy to understand. Your public relations campaign should do the same when trying to convey your message. Here are some PR lessons I found when watching ‘Interstellar.’

Photo Courtesy of: Global Panorama

Photo Courtesy of: Global Panorama

3 PR Lessons from ‘Interstellar’

  1. Focus on Your Message

The characters in ‘Interstellar’ had one clear goal they never wavered from: find a new home for the human race. Regardless of the events that occurred and how they affected the characters, the message was never lost. Remember, even in times of crisis during your public relations campaign, you should always have a clear goal in mind.

  1. Build Upon the Past

One of the major points in ‘Interstellar’ is though time may not always pass in a straight line, goals and plans always build upon each other. In the movie, time moves differently for various characters depending on their place in the universe. Changes affecting time’s passage was due to relativity, since the characters were closer to a larger gravitational force.

Even though time changed in the film, the goal never did. Plans require a base of ideas which are built upon and changed over time. The past can also be used as a tool to tie to the present in your next public relations campaign. Read up on what you are pitching and don’t discount past campaigns because they may have valuable content you can repurpose into something new.

  1. Re-Use Your Theme

The creators of ‘Interstellar’ worried they were creating a movie too similar to ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ and would be destined to the same fate. Despite this fact, they put effort into changing the plot enough while maintaining the same environment. By changing just enough details but keeping a common theme, they created a masterpiece. Use this lesson in your next public relations plan and build upon a common thread of goals to give your campaign a sense of congruency.

‘Interstellar’ does a great job of tackling a large theme in a short amount of time while keeping the message simple enough for the audience to understand. Have you seen ‘Interstellar?’ What public relations lessons can you think of from the film?


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