Are brands merely selling products and services, or are they truly building authentic relationships with their marketing content?

In today’s socially conscious society, customers actively look for organizations that share their values. This presents businesses and content marketers with the challenge of not only addressing shorter attention spans and consumer skepticism, but also defining their positions on important issues and using the appropriate language to maintain strong connections with their audiences. This is where the importance of brand values and culture comes into play. When thoughtfully integrated into content marketing, a brand’s vision and belief system play a vital role in forging deeper connections, fostering trust and achieving higher levels of social media engagement and brand recognition.

Benefits Of Utilizing Brand Values For Content

As Uncle Ben Parker said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Brands have the power to spark conversations, challenge outdated norms and drive positive change within their organization and society as a whole. When businesses integrate their identity and stances into their content, their platform becomes an impactful tool for building meaningful relationships and cultivating authenticity.

Creating connections with the audience through content marketing and brand values yields numerous benefits for businesses.

  • It fosters a sense of loyalty and trust. When brands sincerely communicate their values through their content, they forge connections with their audience members founded on shared beliefs and aspirations. This connection breeds trust and loyalty. When customers have faith in an organization and feel connected to its values, they are more inclined to become repeat customers and enthusiastic brand advocates, ultimately driving success for the business.
  • Achieving meaningful social media engagement. Brands can create personal connections and build communities with their audience through high-value content. This connection drives higher interaction and engagement as it taps into the audience’s emotions, interests and values. Moreover, heightened engagement also enables brands to refine content marketing strategies through valuable insights on customer preferences and behaviors.

Factors In Finding Long-Term Content Marketing Success

Achieving long-term success in content marketing requires careful consideration and planning and finding the right balance. Here are several factors to consider when showcasing your brand’s advocacies in your content:

  • Be Genuine With Storytelling And Visual Elements

Audiences are highly perceptive and can easily detect inauthenticity, making it important for brands to avoid hopping on trends or social causes without an honest commitment. While an increase in social media metrics is good, brands must carefully consider the potential consequences of bandwagoning as the negative impact on credibility and brand image often outweigh the short-term benefits.

Storytelling and visual elements play key roles in effectively highlighting brand values in content marketing. Inclusive representation, diversity and sustainability can be visually incorporated to communicate the brand’s ideals and captivate the target audience. Communicating the brand’s mission and purpose through crafted narratives will engage and inspire audiences on a deeper level.


Adapting and remaining consistent with evolving societal norms and consumer expectations can help brands navigate through the potential social media backlash.

  • Weigh The Cost Of The Backlash

In today’s socially conscious society, insincerity, “woke-washing” and selling out for short-term gains are quickly identified and can have long-lasting negative consequences. Integrating brand values in content marketing requires careful consideration of potential backlash and the importance of appropriate language. Failure to communicate respectfully and inclusively can lead to severe reputation damage.

Adapting to evolving beliefs and ideals is another challenge in content marketing. As societal norms and consumer expectations change, brands may need to reassess and update their values to remain relevant. This presents a challenge in content creation, as past content may no longer align with the brand’s current values. Regular brand audits and staying attuned to shifting consumer sentiment help maintain consistency with audience expectations.

  • Continuously Research And Educate

In connection with the aforementioned item, continuous research and education are essential. Conducting thorough research and education helps identify the values and causes that matter to the audience, enabling the creation of content that aligns with their beliefs.

  • Balance Brand Values And Commercial Goals

Finding the right balance between brand values and commercial goals is a challenge in content marketing. While brand ideals are essential for authenticity and connection, businesses must also achieve their commercial objectives. Organizations should align their principals with strategic objectives through thoughtful content planning and storytelling. Look out for opportunities and creative ways to authentically integrate brand ethics into campaigns without compromising business objectives.

Approaching Topics Of Sustainability And DEI

Two significant global issues – sustainability and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) – have emerged as consistent themes in content across various platforms. Recognizing the importance of these issues is key when creating compelling content that aligns with your audience’s values. When delving into these topics, there are several key pointers to consider. In this article, we explore tips for how to integrate DEI and sustainability messaging into your brand’s content. 

Sustainability In Content Marketing

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Sustainability is more than just a buzzword. Aligning it with your brand values can start meaningful conversations and attract like-minded customers.

Sustainability has become a prominent theme in content marketing as brands increasingly recognize the importance of environmental responsibility and eco-friendly practices. For instance, a tech brand may create blog articles discussing sustainable solutions and recycling initiatives. Through carefully crafted content, brands can actively attract customers who resonate with their values of sustainable production and consumption.

However, it is imperative to navigate the topic of sustainability in a manner that aligns with the brand’s existing values to avoid appearing as an opportunistic attempt to “ride the hype train.” When incorporating sustainability into content marketing strategies, there are several points to consider to ensure an impactful approach.

  • Avoid greenwashing. Incorporating sustainability into content marketing is a popular choice for brands, but organizations have the tendency to greenwash. Greenwashing is the act of misleadingly portraying a brand or its products as more environmentally friendly than they actually are. To ensure genuineness, brands should match their content with their actual actions and culture to build consumer trust and demonstrate a true commitment to the cause.
  • Focus on education and awareness. Content marketing serves as a powerful tool to educate your audience about the causes important to your brand, promote sustainable practices and emphasize the positive impact of conscious choices. Through strategic and thoughtful content, you can raise awareness about these key issues and engage your audience in a meaningful way.
  • Include your product’s or service’s value. Highlighting your brand’s sustainable practices through content marketing demonstrates how they contribute to the added value of your products or services. Focusing on the benefits and advantages of your practices and products reinforces the value of your brand and strengthens its appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Several brands are recognizing the significance of incorporating sustainability into their content strategies. These successful brands demonstrate how to partner messaging with core values and appeal to conscientious consumers.


Samsung, the tech giant, has placed a strong emphasis on sustainability in its recent campaigns, evident through several initiatives such as using eco-friendly materials for phones, packaging and appliances. Their latest flagship phones, the S23 Ultra and the S23/S23+ line, exemplify this dedication by incorporating recycled materials and natural dyes in their manufacturing process. Moreover, Samsung actively encourages e-waste recycling and trade-ins by providing vouchers to customers who bring in old phones and cables to their stores.

Seventh Generation

Seventh Generation, one of my favorite brands, stands out as one of the original advocates for sustainability. Their content marketing strategy is deeply rooted in educating consumers about eco-friendly products and minimizing chemical exposure. This commitment extends to the products they offer. The organization also provides comprehensive information on the ingredients of its products, packaging choices and commitment to renewable energy.


When brands affiliate their content with their brand values, particularly eco-consciousness, they resonate with like-minded individuals. This fosters trust, loyalty and a shared sense of purpose, enabling brands to leave a lasting impression on consumers.

Diversity, Equality And Inclusion In Content Marketing


Businesses create an impactful content experience when they approach the topic of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) with sensitivity.

The presence of brands during Pride Month, African-American History Month, Women’s History Month, AANHPI Heritage Month and celebrations for differently-abled individuals is hard to miss. However, creating a truly inclusive environment and marketing platform goes beyond temporary campaigns and support. It requires a business’s long-term dedication to diversity, equality and inclusion, encompassing every aspect of their culture, values and practices.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) has been a common theme for content marketing as companies aim to connect with diverse audiences. Creating DEI-related content promotes inclusivity and challenges stereotypes, contributing to a more equitable society. To adopt an inclusive content marketing strategy, brands should implement the following strategies:

  • Conduct audience research. Research is key in all aspects of content creation as it helps to understand diverse perspectives, experiences and needs of your target market. This knowledge enables brands to be consistent and develop content that authentically reflects and respects their audience.
  • Use inclusive language and imagery. It’s important to delve into DEI conversations sensitively and responsibly. This blog article provides extensive information on adopting inclusive language in your content. Brands should actively collaborate with diverse voices, influencers and content creators to bring a range of perspectives and representation to their content. Additionally, brands can prioritize accessibility by providing alt text for images, closed captions for videos and ensuring compliance with accessibility guidelines across digital platforms. As part of our commitment to inclusivity, our team at Three Girls Media have integrated accessiBe into our website to ensure accessibility for all.
  • Continuous learning. DEI is an ever-evolving subject. Staying informed about current social issues, language and cultural trends helps organizations maintain relevance and understanding. Engage in ongoing learning and professional development opportunities to deepen your knowledge of diversity, equality and inclusion, ensuring that your content remains inclusive and relevant.

If you’re looking for best practices for integrating DEI into your content, these brands have found success in demonstrating their values and embracing a culture of inclusivity. They serve as prime examples of how DEI can empower content marketing by showcasing diversity and taking a stand on significant social issues.


Vans, a leading activewear and footwear brand, has led the charge on DEI-related content in the sports industry. One notable aspect of their approach is the deliberate inclusion of LGBTQIA+ and differently-abled skateboarders in their roster of brand ambassadors like Cher Strauberry and Felipe Nunes. Vans continuously showcases a commitment to diversity and representation within the skateboarding community. This intentional selection of ambassadors from underrepresented groups sends a powerful message of acceptance and empowerment to their audience. Vans’ inclusive content resonates with a wide range of individuals, fostering a sense of belonging and inspiring others to embrace their unique identities and abilities.

Ben And Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry’s exemplifies their DEI approach to content marketing through their meaningful “Justice Remix’d” campaign. Launched in 2019, the campaign focused on raising awareness about systemic racism and the need for criminal justice reform in the United States. The brand sparked conversations and engaged with their audience on this issue through comprehensive educational resources, videos and articles. Collaborating with advocacy organizations like Power U For Social Change and the Advancement Project, Ben & Jerry’s amplified their message and supported grassroots efforts through customer petitions, grassroots activism and social media conversations with the hashtag #JusticeRemixd. The “Justice Remix’d” campaign exemplifies the brand’s unwavering commitment to DEI and pursuit of social justice.


By incorporating their brand values into their content marketing strategies, these companies showcase the power of DEI in content marketing which resonated with their target audience. This fostered deeper connections and positioned the businesses as advocates for positive change.


Unlocking long-term success in content marketing through the integration of brand culture requires a multi-faceted approach. Whether your organization is advocating sustainability or DEI, a genuine content marketing strategy begins with effective communication and regular assessments of brand ethics and purpose. It’s always easy to ride the trends, but companies can create a path towards enduring success in content marketing through sharing and creating resonant content.

If you’re seeking a reliable content marketing agency in Seattle that excels at effectively communicating brand ethics, look no further than Three Girls Media. Our team of experienced professionals understands the significance of aligning content marketing efforts with brand ideals to create meaningful and engaging campaigns. With our expertise in content marketing, we can help you establish a strong online presence and forge thoughtful connections with your target audience.

Don’t miss the opportunity to collaborate with a trusted marketing agency in Seattle like Three Girls Media. Get in touch with us today and let us breathe life into your brand values through powerful content marketing strategies.

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