A carefully crafted pitch is an important step for those approaching the media asking for editorial coverage, but perhaps even more important is the subject line of the pitch. At Three Girls, we recommend pitching via email because:

  1. It’s less intrusive.
  2. Information is provided in one place.
  3. You can include a link to additional information.
  4. Media professionals generally prefer it.

Before the media target even reads the pitch, they’re going to see the email and decide whether or not they even bother to open it. With the high volumes of email they receive (most receive hundreds of pitches per day), you want to make your email stand out and not get caught by the Spam filter. Here are three tips to help you out:

  1. Reporters know you’re pitching them, so why not make it obvious? We generally include “PITCH,” “STORY IDEA” or “SEGMENT IDEA” in the subject line so reporters know we have an idea of something they can cover.
  2. If your pitch is timely, include it in the subject line. If your product would be a good fit for holiday gift guides, include “Gift for the Holidays” or “Gift Guide Suggestion.”
  3. Include a few words that briefly describe your product or service. It doesn’t need to tell them exactly what you do, but instead let them know what sort of item you’re suggesting. For example, if your company makes customizable gingerbread men, include words like “tasty” or “custom.” The more unique and descriptive adjectives you use, the more your pitch will stand out.

Remember, subject lines are short, so you don’t have a lot of room to work with. We generally limit subject lines to 5-7 words so the entire phrase is visible no matter which email program the journalist is using.

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