Whether you are a public relations professional or an entrepreneur, there is one thing we all have in common: the desire to be successful.
From Steve Jobs to J.K. Rowling, what turned these geniuses into successful entrepreneurs? There are certain habits and tips successful public relations pros and entrepreneurs have been following.
5 Tips Today’s Entrepreneurs Can Learn From J.K. Rowling has put together a small yet powerful list that will get any entrepreneur a great start. Number one on their list: don’t rush any products for the sake of putting them out. Take your time and make a product you would be proud to offer. Another bit of information Rowling gives is to not let anyone sidetrack you from your goal. Stay focused, even if that means staying out of your own way.
What about Steve Jobs? His list comes in slightly longer at seven. 7 Habits That Made Steve Jobs A Success, that is. Although these aren’t tips, these practices are important to keep in mind for anyone looking to be successful. Among his list are to be persistent, build a frenzy, create a need and of course, stay true to yourself. After all, if Jobs had not followed his “inner voice, heart and intuition” we would not have some of the world’s greatest gadgets today.
Interested in becoming the next Steve Jobs but need a starting point? Don’t fear, 8 Tips Successful PR Pros Follow is here. Public relations experts give their advice in eight simple tips. From understanding that public relations is linked to psychology, to knowing that great public relations means understanding clients, “These eight tips to succeed in public relations are about more than writing well or liking to work with people.”
Remain open-minded and give everything a chance. As many philosophers have said, the only thing constant is change. Meaning be adaptive and flexible to anything that might come your way while staying true to yourself. And remember, “The fastest way to become successful is by modeling successful people.” – Tony Robbins.
What are your techniques or habits for success? Share them below.
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Photo Credit: Cea.