So, through hard work or good luck, you’ve managed to get the media to cover you, your business or your event. Fantastic! The article has been read and the show has been listened to or watched. Now what?

Getting the most from your media coverage isn’t hard to do and is an extremely cost-effective way to promote your company months or years later! Here are four simple suggestions for how to get more bang for your buck from editorial press coverage.

1. Read it! This may seem painfully obvious, but surprisingly, most businesses are so excited about press coverage that they can’t, or won’t, look at it objectively. Once you’ve called all your friends and neighbors and celebrated the press success, try to review the coverage impartially, without bias. All coverage provides valuable insights into demographic audience, what the press finds most interesting about you, who your competitors are, how you are perceived in the marketplace, potential partnerships and much more. A reporter may suggest a use or market for a product that its creator had not considered, and reviews may offer suggestions for improvement or validate your current position. Chances are the reporter is not alone in his/her opinion.

2. Post it on your website! Having a Press Page featuring media coverage is an important part of a professional website. Showing off editorial placements gives your company credibility, both with those who did and did not see the original feature. Listings should always be kept up-to-date. Doing otherwise gives the impression the business has not had any recent press. If you’ve got it, flaunt it!

3. Include it in collateral! When designing brochures, flyers, postcards or other printed marketing materials, consider adding images or quotes from the press. This is one instance when it is good to brag! For skillful examples of how this practice is commonly used, look at the movie listings in your local paper – they do a great job of this! Movies are often called “Outstanding!” by The New York Times, “Imaginative,” by Roger Ebert and “One of the Year’s Best,” by The LA Film Guild. Just one word can be enough to make someone take notice.

4. Frame it! Whether it’s a couple of paragraphs in the weekly paper, a feature in People magazine, or a bylined article for a trade journal, people are excited by seeing friends, acquaintances and business associates in the news. It also builds confidence in consumers. There is no need to spend a fortune on custom framing and matting, but displaying media coverage nicely in your place of business is impressive. This goes for a home-based business, too! A framed article is a great conversation-starter and a sign you take your business seriously, otherwise you would not be in the news, right?

Do you have additional suggestions for what to do with coverage? Post your comments below!

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