Every one of us enjoys being entertained.  I can’t think of the last time I intentionally engaged in any form of social media to be bored.  The purpose behind all social media strategies should be to involve and share with others and ultimately to satisfy their need to be amused.  So when you are looking to build an audience through social media strategies , it is imperative to build upon this basic tenant of human nature: people like to be engaged.  They like their attention to be captivated.  They like to be conversant, made to laugh, or brought to tears.  The emotional connection brought or forgotten through social media strategies is key to the success or failure of that campaign.

Below are some strategies you can use to grip the attention of your readers and their friends.  The goal is to create compelling content in your social media strategies, so that your fans will share your content on their wall, and in turn their friends will see it and navigate to your page. Doing this enough will dramatically increase visibility of your page and interaction among your followers.

Produce a Teaser Headlines:  If you are posting your blog posts on your Facebook page, which you should, make sure that each title is compelling and interesting:  Use words like, “how to,” “easy,” “free,” and numbered steps to catch people’s attention (e.g.It’s Tumblr Time: 5 Social Media Tips & Tricks to Build Your Brand )

Integrate humor:  Social media users go for a quick distraction and to catch up with their friends.  Share something funny or entertaining and see how it gets passed around when creating your social media strategy.

Use gripping graphics:  People like pictures of other people and things.  Our eyes are naturally drawn to other people’s faces, so use this to your advantage.

Be purposeful: People like to know how to do things and unique perspectives on life.  Give them something to learn and/or to talk about and they will thank you with likes and shares.

Social media strategies should focus on sharing your mission or contributions and what you think is interesting , educational, helpful, entertaining and engaging.  By giving your audience things that they want to share, you will be astonished how many times they share it with their friends.  Every time they do so, you name is attached to it.  So take some time to be creative and innovative, and give your subscribers reason to share your business.

What do you think? Do you have any social media strategies to share? Tell us about them in the comments below!

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