Videos can be powerful. By combining sight and sound, videos can elicit an emotional reaction much stronger than words on a page or a song on the radio. It’s not surprising, then, that companies are utilizing YouTube to promote their business. Have you started utilizing this powerful video marketing tool yet?

As you can see in this infographic, over 3 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube, and more than 128 million people in the United States alone are among the site’s visitors. Its popularity and ease of use makes it the perfect place to begin your video marketing campaign.

How do you use YouTube for your business? Here are three ideas to get you started:

  1. Do you ever have public speaking opportunities? Upload a video of a recent presentation you’ve given that shares helpful tips and tricks.
  2. Is something out of the ordinary happening at your office? Take a quick video and share it on YouTube.
  3. Did a batch of brand new products just come in? Record a video of your staff demonstrating the new line and showing how potential customers can use them.

Simply posting recordings isn’t a complete video marketing strategy, though. How do you get people to watch?

  • Tag your videos with a variety of words that people might search for. As Mashable says, the more the merrier! For example, if it’s a recording of a recent speech where you shared tips for healthy eating, use tags like:
  1. Healthy Eating
  2. Food
  3. Nutrition
  4. Health Tips
  5. Wellness Tips
  6. Organic Food
  7. Free-Range Food
  8. Whole Food
  • Post links to your video on your other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
  • Write a short blog post about the video and share a few “behind-the-scenes” fun facts. Then embed the video so readers can watch it right there!
  • Keep an eye on your analytics – especially your “discovery” data. Knowing how people find your YouTube channel can help you refine your video marketing strategy.

Above all, be creative and keep trying different things! As with all promotion efforts, creativity and persistence can go a long way in video marketing. A slow and steady approach will get you much farther than a quick flurry of activity followed by nothing, so don’t be afraid to experiment and keep at it!

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Photo Credit: woodleywonderworks

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