Entrepreneurs need vacations too, these three steps make it possible.

As entrepreneurs or small business owners, working overtime is not a once a week occurrence but more of an everyday thing.  As busy as entrepreneurs are, vacations often seem to be impossible.

There are more reasons to take a vacation beyond the obvious. A great reason is because you will be more productive when you do get back in to the office. Sometimes entrepreneurs benefit from stepping out for a couple of days; it can put what needs to be prioritized in perspective. Another great reason to vacation is because it encourages your team to develop and recognize their importance to the company. By not being available, it forces your team members to make more executive decisions, which helps them recognize their importance and in turn motivates them and leads to productivity.

Wait, you don’t need us to sell you on taking a vacation? Well then, if you want to go on vacation but are still needed at the office, follow these steps and you will be on your way to you favorite destination!

Planning Ahead –
Planning ahead can be a great stress reliever for most entrepreneurs. By planning ahead you can leave detailed instructions to your employees with minimal room for mistakes because they are left with all the needed information. If you do have action items at work that depend solely on you, working ahead of time is the perfect solution.

Find a replacement –
If you simply cannot leave the office unattended while on vacation for a few days, there is a solution for you. Simply, find a replacement! If that is not an option due to your field of work or don’t trust a third party running your precious business, another option is to train an employee. This way, you can leave them the unavoidable tasks and they can help you out beyond vacations, like in any emergencies that might come up in the future.

Get, and stay, away from the office –
If going out to dinner on vacation without a single piece of technology available sounds too extreme to you, then try scheduling a time to check in with the office. Before you leave, you and your employees designate a time of day that works. This way you can catch up on the day’s events and have the rest of the time to relax, like you should.

Do you have any secrets you use when you go on vacation?


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Image Credit:  Lost In The RP 

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