Chances are that when you hear you need to have your business on Facebook or Twitter, it just sounds like yet another task to add to the never-ending to-do list of the small business owner. But there is good news! With a little planning ahead and organization, you can be your company’s social media manager in just 30 minutes a day!

Social Media Manager Time Management Tips

Here are 5 ways to manage your time effectively as a social media manager:

  1. Make a standing appointment with yourself. Actually schedule time in your calendar for social media marketing tasks and stick to it. You can spend all 30 minutes in one chunk or break it up into two 15-minute chunks or three 10-minute chunks. You know how you work best, so do what is most effective for you.
  2. Write posts in advance. Spend 10-15 minutes writing posts, and have fun with it! At Three Girls, we recommend the 80/20 rule: keep the self-promotional posts to 20% of the updates and use the rest for something fun, informative or helpful to your followers.Stuck for ideas? Set up a few Google Alerts with your industry’s keywords so you can see what others are talking about and share what you find interesting. Feel free to add some personality and have fun with it – just don’t share too much!
  3. Use available (free!) tools. After you spend a few minutes writing posts, use a tool like HootSuite, Tweetdeck or Sprout Social to schedule them out. That way you don’t need to remember to post updates throughout the day.
  4. Remember to listen. As a social media manager, your job is listening, too! Check your Facebook page or LinkedIn groups to see how your followers are responding. This is something you can do in just a few minutes at a time, so set an alarm on your phone or a reminder in your calendar to check the pages a couple of times a day, such as 9am and 4pm.
  5. Stay focused. When it comes to social media marketing it’s easy to get distracted. Try to stay focused on the task at hand and, although some tangents can be fruitful, don’t let yourself wander too far for too long.

Are you your company’s social media manager? What social media marketing tips help keep you on track?

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