As we’ve shared in previous posts, content marketing is a vital component to your business’ overall marketing strategy. Mericia recently shared some great tips including “Share, but don’t steal.” How do you find good content to share with readers, followers and potential customers?

Finding Content Marketing Ideas


Here are some helpful places to find content marketing ideas.

Here are some helpful places to find content marketing ideas.

Search Engine Journal recently posted an article about 11 places to find content marketing ideas. Here are a few of my favorites:

  1. Google it. If you’re stuck for ideas, go to Google and type your keywords into the search window. In addition to searching the web for those ideas, the search engine will give you some suggestions for other phrases related to that topic.
  2. YouTube. Another source of inspiration, this site can also give you some helpful videos that fit nicely into your content marketing strategy.
  3. Social media. Since you’re already using Facebook, Twitter, etc. to get the word out about your brand (and if you’re not, you should be), why not use your contacts to do a little research? Look at what your followers are talking about; ask them what they’d like to know more about and what they think about the content you’ve been sharing.
  4. LinkedIn Groups, Yahoo Answers and Quora. All three of these sites let you ask questions and read answers to similar questions others have asked.
  5. Surveys. I think Search Engine Journal describes this one perfectly: “Surveys can be a great way to collect ideas directly from your readers. You can use surveys every few months to help generate new ideas. Many times, we’ve heard that a lot of the same questions come up again and again. When this is the case, you can pick the most commonly selected items.”

In addition to the great ideas above, here are 3 more of my favorite places to find content marketing ideas:

  1. Pinterest. This site is a goldmine when it comes to content marketing ideas. In addition to finding a wide range of visuals to share with your followers, it’s full of helpful articles, tips and tricks that are sure to spark some inspiration.
  2. Your own website. Instead of reinventing the wheel every time, why not browse through your site and find content you can use again? Think about how you can find a fresh angle or relate it to current events to give it a new look.
  3. Offline conversations. Think about your topics of conversation with friends, families, colleagues and customers offline. What have you been discussing with them that you can bring back around to your business? Of course, leave out any personal details, but you’d be surprised how many ideas can be generated away from the computer.

Where do you find ideas for content marketing? Have conducting surveys or using sites like Pinterest worked well for you?

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Photo Credit: fostersartofchilling

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