Have you started updating your company’s blog regularly? Good job! Now what? If you’re not promoting your blog posts, your hard work is going to waste! A big part of the job is sharing the post once it’s finished. Not sure how? It takes more than just sharing a link on your social media pages every once in a while. Keep reading for 5 DIY tips to promote your blog.

5 DIY Tips to Promote Your Blog

Promote your blog by sharing every single post.

Promote your blog by sharing every single post.

I recently came across an infographic that shares 12 ways to promote your blog posts. Here are my favorite DIY tips:

  1. Tailor Social Media Updates. When you share your blog post on your social media networks (which you should do for each post), customize each update or headline for the followers on that specific site. For example, when you share the post on Facebook make it more casual than when you share it on LinkedIn.
  2. Comment on Other Blogs. Set some time aside to read other blogs and comment on the posts. Write something with additional insight about the topic and keep it friendly yet professional; also remember to add a link to your blog.
  3. Bookmark Content. Make sure you post each article you write on social media sites that bookmark articles (like Pinterest) to make it even easier for others to share it with their followers, too.
  4. Share Your Blog Content. When you see someone online asking for advice about your blog’s topic, share the link with them. In addition to putting the answers right at their fingertips, you’re positioning yourself as an expert in the field.
  5. Use Your Blog as a Source of Content. Get the word out about your blog by sharing a link in your email signature and including links to specific posts in your e-newsletter. Don’t be afraid to ask other bloggers and contacts to share links to your blog with their audience, too – just be willing to do them the same favor.

What other ways do you promote your blog? Share your own DIY tips in the comments below (and feel free to post a link to your blog).

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Photo Credit: Three Girls Media, Inc.

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