Like everyone else in the world, once I started watching House of Cards, I could not stop. Every ounce of my free time was devoted to Mr. Frank Underwood and his Congressional schemes. The more I watched him play chess with the White House, the more I found his methods to coincide with good public relations tactics. Here are 3 ways Mr. Underwood and public relations are similar.

Frank Underwood is a master of public relations tactics.

Frank Underwood is a master of public relations tactics.

Frank Underwood and Public Relations

1. The Importance of Networking

Frank Underwood has power and influence in the White House and he knows how to use it. What he does well is networking. Mr. Underwood knows who can help him get what he wants. As in public relations, it is important to know who can help you or your client get what they need. Take a lesson from Frank and stack your deck full of influential people and members of the media to best represent you and your business.

2. Knowing Your Audience

Whenever Frank Underwood would manipulate his way to getting what he wants, he did so successfully because he knew who his audience was. He knew that one approach with one person would not work with the other. As in public relations, one cannot approach one media outlet the same as the other. Everyone has their own specific needs and a style that needs to be adapted to, to get their attention and cooperation.

3. Eliminate people who are in your way

Now, let me start off by saying I do not personally condone the Congressman’s means of getting rid of people who no longer serve his best interest (R.I.P. Peter Russo and Zoe Barnes). However, I do see the benefit of elimination. If someone can no longer help you in your successes then what are they good for? Underwood is in it for his own survival and frankly, we should be too.

I will say my apologies for any House of Cards spoilers you may have experienced, but you should have been quicker to viewing television greatness. That being said, how else do you think Frank Underwood demonstrates good public relations tactics? Or, if you have not yet started watching House Of Cards, where else do you see public relations tactics in the media?


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Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons

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