Marketing yourself can be extremely valuable to set yourself and your brand apart from the competition. There is a distinct formula to networking, which includes a greeting or a spark to start the conversation, introductions and the closing call to action to see if you will work well together.
But how and where can we network? There is more to marketing yourself than elevator pitches and business cards. Location matters. In this post we share three great places to network as well as ways to start a conversation and start marketing yourself today.

Photo Courtesy of: Zach Taylor via Flickr
Marketing: 3 Places to Network
- The Coffee Shop
Some coffee shops are famous for being the location of million-dollar deals and corporate liaisons. A coffee shop isn’t just a place to get your caffeine-boost, it’s a casual environment that encourages creativity and communication. How many coffee shops do you know that only have one chair at each table? Meeting for coffee can be a great way to start a low pressure conversation that can lead to great things. Mention the local artist on the walls: talking about creativity is one of the best ways to bond.
- The Sports Game Tailgate
Sports game tailgates are a great way to meet new people and grow your network. The bite-sized snacks are fun and lighthearted, making it easy to spark a natural conversation. Sporting events are also a great way to make people feel closer together by rooting for a common team. Alumni networks can provide you lots of access to contacts who can help you out.
- The Dinner Party
Dinner parties and holiday parties are a great place to market yourself. Holidays put everyone in a better mood and it will be easier to meet people who have similar interests. It is best not to be too direct at parties, rather, ask for advice or tell stories.
No matter where you choose to market yourself, being confident is always important. Personal branding is crucial in today’s competitive world and networking well will set you and your brand apart from the rest.
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Three Girls Media, Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency founded in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley with a team in the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs.
Call 408-218-2391 or Contact us today to arrange yours!