Today marks the 11th anniversary of the very first Tweet sent. In those 11 years, we have been witness to many momentous Tweets from the social media platform. With over 319 million monthly active users, the social media giant estimates that in every second around 6,000 Tweets are sent out into the world. Of course many of those are mundane but there have definitely been many interesting ones!
Tweets are used by individuals to voice their opinions on everything from their favorite trending TV show to comedic GIFs, or a favorite new fashion item to sporting occasions; we have also seen Tweets used to further people’s political campaigns. Journalists have been major adopters of Twitter and actively use the platform to disseminate their content along with most publishers all over the world, too. While a Tweet is constrained by a limit of 140 characters, it seems a lot can be said even with that!
The team over at Carvaka Adult Toys are avid Twitter users and fans, and they have produced the infographic below, which examines the history of the Tweet, right back to the very first one by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey. It details some interesting facts such as the origins of the hashtag, the top Tweets from 2016, the most followed accounts and some fascinating statistics and data around Twitter use. Check it all out below and why not Tweet it out to mark the occasion?
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