3 PR Lessons from Amazon’s ‘Prime Day’

3 PR Lessons from Amazon’s ‘Prime Day’

We’ve talked about PR lessons from Black Friday and Giving Tuesday, but this July 15th, Amazon is planning to blow those “holidays” out of the water with the advent of their new ‘Prime Day.’ The event will feature flash deals and sales for Prime members. The goal of...
3 PR Lessons from ‘Jurassic World’

3 PR Lessons from ‘Jurassic World’

**Contains Spoilers** I recently saw the much-anticipated ‘Jurassic World’ movie and am so glad I did! In addition to providing laughs, a couple of tears and some great dinosaur action, the flick also packed some valuable advice for public relations. Here are 3 PR...
3 PR Lessons from Playing Pool

3 PR Lessons from Playing Pool

While spending some time with extended family this weekend, I participated in a pool tournament that left me not only hanging out (and having fun) on the bottom bracket, but with quite a few PR lessons to bring to work on Monday. I find public relations inspiration...

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