Quora is a collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it
Have you heard of Quora? One of the newer social media sites, Quora is a collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it. The main goal is to be the best possible resource for someone who wants to know about each question. Although this is a simple explanation, Quora can in fact be very useful for your business.
Quora reviewer Peter Baskerville explains:
- Quora is an online collaborative information sharing and learning platform.
- Quora is an online engineering platform that connects the information needs of real people with information solutions provided by real people.
- Quora is an expanding, continuously improving, democratically ranked resource library that contains ‘bite’ sized nodules of highly contextualized learning.
- Quora is the mobile university. What articles are to desktops, Quora’s answers are to mobile devices – the ‘1 minute’ solution to the many daily questions we all have.
- Quora is ‘just-in-time’ learning. i.e. providing the specific answer that a person wants, when they want it and in the form and quantity they need.
- Quora is an online platform that is harnessing the power of technological innovation to usher in a paradigm shift in learning.
- Quora is a lead player in the global learning revolution.
Although I’ve just spent a short amount of time on the site, I’ve seen that Quora is an easy way to learn about an industry in which you don’t have much experience. For example, if you’re trying to do your own PR and have a quick question, you can type it into the Public Relations topic and those that follow will be given the chance to answer.
Using Quora for your business is fairly easy, too. Once you create a profile, all you need to do is select a few topics of interest. After this, your home page on the site becomes a list of question you can scroll through to answer or follow.
Have you used Quora? What do you think? Do you see value in investing your time and energy in this new platform?
Photo Credit: David Armano