Here are 5 good marketing reads - writing for your website and more!

From writing for your website or blog and the difference between a press release and media pitch to website design tips and why you should NOT be on Twitter, here are 5 good marketing reads we recently found online:

  1. 10 Tips for Writing for the Web – Most consumers don’t read website content – we scan it. This article includes 10 tips for writing for an audience of scanners.
  2. Press Release vs. Media Pitch: Which One Do You Need? – A Press Release is not a Media Pitch and vice versa. This blog post helps business owners know which would be best for their news.
  3. 7 Things That Annoy Website Visitors – A good list of things to make sure your website doesn’t do.
  4. 10 Reasons NOT to be on Twitter – Although Twitter is a great tool for most businesses, it’s not for everyone. This list helps potential users decide if Twitter is a good place for them.
  5. Social Media Writing: How It’s Different and Why You Should Care – A handy list of suggestions for those writing online content, such as a blog or website copy.

Photo Credit: karpidis

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