Photo Credit: FontShop

We all know the average person’s attention span isn’t what it used to be, with some experts saying the average reader spends only about 51 seconds on an email newsletter.  Most readers fail to even read past the first three things on your list. According to, the predominant user behavior is to scan email, and often times users don’t even scan the entire newsletter – they only glance at a small portion of the content. Given the bombardment of email these days, just getting readers to open a newsletter is tough. Still, most in the field agree that email remains a cost-effective marketing tool that will keep playing a role in the digital marketing mix.  Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your email newsletter

Keep it Short.

Keep it short and sweet. In the early days of email marketing, it was okay to include a full-length article in the body of an email newsletter. But today readers prefer newsletters that contain no more than a paragraph or two of text accompanied by links to the content posted on the Web. Long newsletters often get filed for ‘later reading,’ and you want your readers to take in your content now. Email marketing companies like Constant Contact make it easy for you to achieve shorter sections in your newsletter.

Focus the Message

Where possible, avoid covering too many topics and keep the message simple. You’re only going to have the readers attention for a few seconds, so make it count by using a standout call–to-action.

Create a Compelling Subject Line

The subject line of your email should immediately tell readers the answer to “What’s in it for me?” For example “20% off New York’s Best Italian Food” is a better subject line than “News from Maria’s Restaurant.” Make sure there is a call to action. If you offer a discount or deal, make sure it has an expiration date such as 48 hours from when you sent it so recipients will act quickly. According to, the average open rate is 15%. If you have a subject line that is not intriguing, you may get only get 10%. Remember, putting the recipient’s first name in the subject line can also boost the opening rate. Check out MailChimp, Sendpepper, Aweber and Constant Contact to help organize and format your email newsletter for the best results.

Don’t Lead with Your Brand

Never lead with your brand. According to, if you put your branding at the top or all over your newsletter, it will look “super-salesy” and that’s a huge no-no. Whether you like it or not, most people don’t care about your brand. They care about what’s in it for them. Branding should go on the bottom with your contact details.

Avoid Attachments & Being Categorized as Spam

Try not to include attachments within your marketing emails as they make it more likely your message will automatically be treated as spam. Embed a link instead, and ensure your newsletter comes from a reputable domain name. Remember, many spammers send e-newsletters from personal accounts such as Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo. Fail to send your newsletter from your business domain name and it may be marked as spam and never reach that crowded inbox.


After you’ve emailed your newsletter and sent all the content out to your subscribers, take a few more steps and expand your digital presence. First, promote the newsletter to your own social networks. Then, give your readers the tools to post your newsletter content to their own social networks. Finally, extend the life of your newsletter by posting the content from the newsletter on your own social profiles through out the month.


Special Offer: Three Girls Media & Marketing Inc. loves working with small and emerging companies to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific brand marketing needs. Email to make your appointment today. 

Photo Credit: FontShop

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