Public Relations Conversation

Public Relations Conversation

When most people think of public relations, they imagine parties and celebrities or they think it’s only for the big businesses that can afford hiring a professional agency. What they may not realize is that PR is an essential tool for small businesses. Since small businesses have smaller budgets they need a big awareness boost, established reputations and online followings – all of which can be achieved through a smart public relations marketing plan.

Many small business owners don’t know where to start with a PR marketing plan. Public relations is all about building your brand and getting your company’s name out to your core audience. Unlike advertising, PR results are earned rather than paid, so it doesn’t have to be extravagant or costly.

Incorporating some easy public relations tactics into your small business marketing plan is a no brainer. Here are 5 simple ways to get started:

  1. Build a great website. A website is key to a business’ success as few things are more off-putting for potential customers than searching for a business online and finding nothing. Think you don’t have the technical skills? Think again. There are many free and low-cost tools to get your website up and running, even with no knowledge of web design. At Three Girls, we recommend WordPress to our clients. Just be sure your site is mobile-friendly too by choosing an HTML5 web publishing platform. Getting the word out about your business is easier when you have a professional web presence because your customers probably spend most of their time online.
  2. Create a company blog. An exciting company blog is a great addition to your company’s marketing plan because it will keep your potential customers coming back to your website for more. It’s also a great way to highlight a company’s culture without being too self-promotional. You can position your business as an industry-thought leader, which will help build a reputation and retain customers. Next time they have a question or are looking for ideas, they’ll come to you. Blogging is also terrific for your search engine optimization which will drive traffic to your website.
  3. Get social media. No matter what industry you work in, social media is probably the number one online destination for your customers today. It’s where everyone shares opinions and experiences, recommends services and stays up-to-date on breaking news and trends. Through social media networks, it’s easy to achieve a huge reach at a low-cost by reaching influencers and potential clients. If you pay attention to what your audience is saying on Twitter, Facebook, etc., you can be part of their conversation, learn what they like and dislike and use the channel as a customer service tool.
  4. Use events calendars. Many new businesses have a hard time getting a business event mentioned by the press. Luckily, most newspapers, local publications and websites (like Patch) have calendars that allow you to post events for free. Whether it’s a grand opening or a shopping event, it’s a fool-proof way to get publicity for your event.
  5. Throw a cool party. Some of the rumors about PR are true – sometimes the easiest way to gain new customers is to throw an awesome party. If you are looking for new customers or trying to get your name out there, all you need is some food, drinks, music and an open house. You’ll quickly become the most popular business in town. If you’re worried that guests may come to the party but won’t become customers, offer them an incentive for returning, like a coupon. Also, be sure to leave an address book near the front so people interested in your business can willingly provide you with their email address. These are great for follow-ups and future announcements or sales.

Creating a public relations marketing plan is not nearly as confusing as everyone makes it out to be. However, it is very important to a small business’ success and reputation. Gaining name recognition the first step to gaining and retaining customers – and that’s what public relations is all about.

Special Offer: Three Girls Media & Marketing Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency with teams in Silicon Valley and the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs. Contact us today to arrange yours! 

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