By meeting people offline, you’ll build a stronger network online and vice versa.

By meeting people offline, you’ll build a stronger network online and vice versa.

Social Media tools like LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter are all great for networking. But in everyone’s rush to get online and connect, many people have actually forgotten how to connect in person.  Though making acquaintances online can greatly add to your social network, nothing beats an actual face-to-face connection. Here are five ways to forge real world connections in a social media world.

Take Online Contacts Offline
If you already have an online following such as your blog, Facebook, Twitter or an online discussion forum, then you can tap into those communities to start meeting people offline. This is especially useful if you’re introverted and want to meet with peers you already have a connection with. By meeting people offline, you’ll build a stronger network online and vice versa.

Make A Plan
If you’re going to a networking event, do a little homework before hand. Prior to attending any event, make a “hit list” of the people you want to meet. Try and learn everything you can about who they are and what makes them tick. Then think about what you might discuss with them once your face-to-face. The more you prepare, the better off you’ll be once you get to the event. It’s always good to come from a place of offering to help a connection, rather than trying to sell to them.

Look Good & Look Out At Events
It may sound silly but it’s a proven fact: dress to impress. Online it’s easy to choose your best photo to put up for people to see. When you’re offline at an event you should dress appropriately. You don’t want to show up to a cocktail attire event in jeans and a t-shirt. It makes you look sloppy and could take you off your game, hindering you from actually going up to people and making new connections.  Remember, you go to networking events to meet new people so try and put yourself out there even if it feels a little awkward.

Reconnect With Your Current Network
The easiest way to meet new people is to leverage your current network. We all have networks, including our friends, family and acquaintances. Get up from your computer and start going to lunches and professional or social events in your industry. Attend these events with friends so you can be introduced to people who you wouldn’t normally be in contact with. This is especially useful when your friends have the same networking goals in mind.

These are just a few ways to kick start your networking efforts in the real world. Though networking through social media can be a simple way of connecting with people, nothing beats actually meeting a person face-to-face and making a long lasting relationship.

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Photo Credit: ShashBellamkonda

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