Have you though about spring cleaning for your business?

Have you though about spring cleaning for your business?

The birds are out and the smell of flowers is in the air. Today officially marks the first day of spring! While spring cleaning is synonymous with housework and garage sales, it can also be of great value to a business. These spring cleaning tips can help you streamline certain areas and make your business more effective. Here are 4 places to start:

Your Desk. Clearing out the clutter around your desk is probably the easiest and fastest of these spring cleaning tips. Do you really need that stack of old files next to your computer? Break out the duster, but don’t stop at your desk, take a lap around the office and see what else needs your attention.

Your Habits. Spring can be a good time to take a look at what is helping or hurting your productivity. A great habit to pick up is learning how to avoid distractions and work through longer periods of time without giving in to interruptions. This is easier said than done, but certainly not impossible. Don’t give up after the first week, either. Remember, it takes 21-30 days of doing something consistently to create new habit. What will yours be?

Your Website. Like everything else, your site may be in need of a little spruce up. If it’s been a while since you last updated your website, it could be missing some key features that are fundamental in today’s competitive business world, like being mobile friendly. Also ask yourself: Does it have a call to action on every page? What about links to your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles? Check out these tips to help you plan the re-design of your website efficiently.

Your Marketing. From keeping better track of your marketing budget to incorporating new tactics, Spring serves as a good reminder to look at what works and what could be added to a current marketing strategy. A great tactic to consider is blogging, if your business is not already doing so.

What spring cleaning plans do you have in store for your business?

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Image Credit: El Frito

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