How do you deal with stress?

How do you deal with stress?

There may only be 24 hours in a day, but you need 26. Between work tasks, home projects, and everything else that comes your way, life can get stressful very quickly. If you are overwhelmed and struggling at work, most every aspect of your life suffers and it’s hard to manage anything. Dealing with stress is unavoidable and a necessary evil we must learn to live with; it does not have to ruin your life. With a little extra time and effort, you can learn to be stress’ boss and live and work the best you can.

3 Ways of Dealing with Stress

1. Prioritize

When looking over your long list of things to do, consider what absolutely needs to be done right now and what can wait until later. Learning to prioritize can save you from pulling your hair out and losing your mind when it comes to due dates. Start by listing out everything you have to do, note the deadline day and time, and work away at what is due first. When you work from most recent to furthest out, you can focus on what is due now and not panic about something that is due next week or month.

2.Plan Ahead

Nothing can throw off a finely tuned schedule like a vacation or an unexpected disruption from your normal routine. One of the best ways you can manage the stress of getting ready for a vacation or time away from work is to plan out when you need to do and when to do it by. This will prevent you from cramming everything into a short amount of time and also keep you from forgetting something. If you are in charge of your businesses social media or newsletter, write content early and schedule them so you won’t have to worry about sending something live while you’re away.

3.Take Care of Yourself

This could be the most important tip of them all: don’t forget about YOU. Stress is known to be an immune system killer and can be the worst thing for you. Even though you may think you have no time to take even a second for yourself, do manage to find some. You won’t be doing yourself or your work any favors by skipping sleep, meals and being all together burnt out. Make creating a consistent sleep schedule and eating healthy foods a priority in your life.

Life is getting crazier by the second and all we can hope to do is hold on for the ride. While life can get stressful, we do not have to succumb to the pressure and weight it brings. Hopefully these 3 tips to reduce stress work for you in your busy life. How else do combat stress? Share in the comment section below!

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Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons

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