Facebook login page.

Are you engaging in Facebook marketing?

Marketing your small business on Facebook is one of the most important tactics you have for getting your name out there. Many consumers will move on to similar businesses or products if your Facebook profile is not sufficient in providing information and being easily accessible. Here are 4 Facebook marketing tips for your small business:

4 Facebook Marketing Tips

  1. Content

Besides a complete profile, quality content is a foundation for a successful page. Keep posts related to your industry but experiment with photos, memes, videos and articles. Keep track of what your audience is interested in and tailor future content around their interactions.

  1. Buy Ads and Promoted Posts

Paying for ads and promoted posts allows your business to reach a much larger audience in the geographic area of your choosing. This will allow your brand further exposure, plus the flexible pricing fits into just about any budget.

  1. Custom Tabs

Tabs are those menu options right under your cover photo. The fun part about them is that they are customizable! You can create fun pages on your profile that can include special savings, new product information or anything else you want!

  1. Partnership

If your business is on the small and more local side, consider partnering with other local business that may have more fans or have been around longer. Come up with something fun that will benefit both of your businesses and build relationships within your community.

Facebook marketing is an important part of establishing your business and brand in your community. When you begin on your Facebook campaign, work on content, buy promoted posts to reach a large audience, customize tabs and build a partnership within your community. Come back next week for even more Facebook marketing tips!

Photo Credit: Simon

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