Grocery Shopping

What social media marketing lessons can you learn from grocery shopping?

I don’t know about you, but am not skilled at grocery shopping. I either buy too much and have to throw food away by the end of the week or buy too little and have to make multiple trips to the store in a week. In an attempt to have a successful shopping experience I found myself thinking about social media marketing and how it can relate to groceries.

Social Media Marketing: 3 Lessons from Grocery Shopping

  1. Create a List

Writing a list is one of the best methods I have for a successful trip. Instead of looking around and putting anything I find in my cart, a list allows me to focus on what I really need. Make an editorial calendar to help you focus on what you want to post on the social media pages for your small business. Creating an editorial calendar will help you find and schedule quality and reliable content instead of random and questionable links you may find day-to-day.

  1. Plan Ahead

When making a grocery list I like to think about the week ahead and buy accordingly. If I have dinner plans to eat out on Friday I don’t need to buy for that day. Planning ahead also makes it easier to handle hectic days because I already have an idea of what I have to cook with and prevents excess eating out. So you don’t have to worry about posting content every day, free up some of your time by scheduling posts a week at a time. Websites like Hootsuite and SproutSocial are great tools for planning ahead.

  1. Branch Out

When shopping, I have a tendency to buy the same food and same products every single week. Over time this can make meals boring and uninspired. To avoid creating a predictable and trite social media page, use a variety of images and videos to liven up your site. Customers will respond to new content and may increase their level of interaction.

Social media marketing lessons can be inspired from many different activities, including something as common as grocery shopping. When creating your next campaign, create a list, plan ahead and branch out to stay focused and inspired. What else can you learn from the supermarket?

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Three Girls Media, Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency founded in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley with a team in the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs.

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