Photo Credit: University of Exeter

Do you think you only network when you are at an “official” networking event? Do you assume that networking is a targeted activity that requires scheduling or special planning? If you do, you are missing out on some of the biggest secrets that successful entrepreneurs, direct sellers and salespeople know. The truth is if people are in any way connected to your business, you are always networking! Here are five secrets how to incorporate networking into your daily life and nurture a “Networking Mindset” for success.

  1. Know what “Networking” is. What do we mean by “networking?” Networking isn’t sales; that’s for sure. It isn’t closing a deal of any kind really, whether you are looking for someone to add to your “team” (as in direct sales), or as a new client, etc. Networking is establishing relationships and trusted connections. That’s it!
  2. What is your purpose for networking? One of the biggest mistakes people make is thinking that networking is about them. There are definitely things you should and must do for yourself as you network (more on that below), but your major focus should never be on you. The big purpose is: How can you be of service to someone else? How can you help them connect with someone who can help them fix a real-time problem or concern? Prove yourself valuable to others in their world, and they will think of you when they have a solution for you, or if they need your product or service in the future.
  3. Check your mental outlook. How do you hold yourself? Do you go out and about in your life expecting to meet great people? Expecting to be of service? Expecting people to treat you thoughtfully and with respect? Or do you expect something negative? Check your mental outlook before you leave your house or office.
  4. Be prepared. Now that you’ve got your mental Networking Mindset in order, be physically prepared. Do you look your best? If you feel blue, have you chosen to put on a pleasant face until you’re home again? Do you have your professionally printed business cards with you, and access to some kind of calendar system? If your ducks are in a row, you will automatically have less attention on yourself and be naturally more receptive to others.
  5. The Universe responds! If you are mentally and physically prepared to hit the street, you will be amazed how the universe will respond to you by bringing you just exactly the right people you need to meet, whether you have something for them, or they have something for you. You never know when or where you will meet these treasured people, so always be prepared, and nurture your “Networking Mindset.”

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Photo Credit: University of Exeter

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