Are your fans "liking" you on Facebook?

Are your fans “liking” you on Facebook?

Has your business has gained new fans on Facebook? These new followers have hit the like button and are interested in your business or brand. The real question is simple, now that these followers have liked your page, how do you keep them interested in your brand and active online? How do you keep your fans coming back to your Facebook page day after day and week after week? There is no magic potion or super-secret equation to spark interest online, however, there are plenty of Facebook marketing tips and tricks that any business owner can follow to increase fan engagement and interest on their Facebook page.

Today, we will introduce two of the five Facebook marketing tips and tricks that the team at Three Girls Media and Marketing use on a daily basis to keep our client’s social media following and online brand strong.

They are:

Consistency: Consistency s is essential. Posting 1 to 2 times every week or every other week will not result in an increase in fan engagement or brand recognition and is very poor social media marketing. Consider creating a consistent weekly posting schedule for all of your content on the Facebook platform. When you are creating this schedule, be sure to schedule at least one post per day. Posting on a common schedule every day will let your fans and followers know that you and your business are active in seeking out their interests and hearing their voice. Keep your social media posting schedule constant,  under all circumstances and always be sure to make your presence known on a daily basis, especially on the Facebook platform

Scheduling: Scheduling posts is especially important in Facebook marketing. Multiple studies show the best times and the worst times to post on Facebook throughout the day. Posting according to these times will help ensure that more people will see your posts, share them and therefore increase your fan engagement.

For example, posting before 9 AM or after 8 PM could potentially decrease the amount of people that will see your posts and in turn share your content; posts scheduled before 9 AM usually will not be seen due to the morning rush of getting to school or work. Similarly, posts after 8 PM may be ignored or not seen due to the fact that people are winding down after a long day and getting ready to settle in for the night. Be sure that your choices in scheduling will benefit your brand and will be seen by the greatest amount of online viewers.

Consistency and scheduling are only two of the five most common tips and tricks for increasing your fan engagement on Facebook. For more Facebook marketing tips and tricks, be sure to check back next week when we uncover the final three tips for improving your online efforts.

Special Offer: Complimentary Consultation

Three Girls Media & Marketing Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency with teams in Silicon Valley and the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs. Call 408-871-0377 or Contact us today to arrange yours!

 Photo Credit: OwenWBrown

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