What can Pinterest teach you?

What can Pinterest teach you?

For the last few weeks, a story has been circulating the web about a man who used his girlfriend’s Pinterest account to plan her dream wedding. Ryan Leak, a man now being referred to by many as “Groom of The Year” took months to secretly plan his girlfriend’s proposal and wedding…on the same day! After hearing his significant other admit to a girlfriend that she has always dreamt of getting engaged and married on the same day, Leak went to work. He used his girlfriend Amanda Roman’s “dream wedding” board on the popular social media site Pinterest to make her dream a reality. You can learn more about their highly romantic story, here.

You might be thinking to yourself, “Sure, this is a romantic story, but what does it have to do with me and my business?” This story not only serves as a priceless piece of advertising that speaks to the effectiveness of the Pinterest platform in the personal lives of pinners, but also gives social media marketing managers and small business owners three steps for success when executing a quality social media marketing campaign.

They are:

1. Have a plan: The key in developing an effective social media marketing strategy is in the planning that occurs before the campaign begins. Leak took over a year to plan every detail of his proposal and dream wedding. It is essential to determine what platforms will be most effective for your goals, which posting frequency will be most beneficial and what type of content will reach your predetermined target demographic.

2. Stay flexible: Plans don’t always pan out the way in which we intend them to. Leak had planned on proposing to his girlfriend with a helicopter, but an unexpected tropical rainstorm changed nearly all his plans. An unexpected tropical rain storm can flood your social media strategy at any time. It is vital to keep this in mind and to keep a flexible persona when it comes to executing your plan and managing any hiccups that could occur along the way. Have a plan B and even a plan C.

3. Document your experience and results: Leak and Roman had a cinematographer capture their entire dream wedding experience and individuals now use that video as a learning tool for their own proposals. This concept is equally important in social media marketing as documenting your results and analyzing your data will ultimately aid in creating even favorable results in future social media marketing efforts.

We realize that planning a dream wedding and a social media strategy are as different as night and day, but despite these differences, the similarities in execution and preparation will undoubtedly prepare any social media manager or small business owner for success.

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*Photo Credit: MKHMarketing

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