From website design and content to communication lessons and laws, here are 5 articles we don’t think you should miss.

From website design and content to communication lessons and laws, here are 5 articles we don’t think you should miss:

  1. 7 Things That Annoy Website Visitors – A lot of websites annoy visitors with slow loading times, cluttered layouts and more. These 7 things not to do on your site will help your site even more powerful.
  2. 5 useful reminders about communication from a 5-year-old – With all the reading, painting, Disney Princess snap, Dora the Explorer computer games, and splashing through rivers in the forest, communicators can learn a lot from the younger (well, much younger) generation, and their way of viewing the world.
  3. 10 Laws of Social Media Marketing – These are 10 helpful rules to understand the social media marketing fundamentals.
  4. Ten tips for writing for the web – Consumers read websites differently than they read books. This post provides ten tips for writing for websites and blogs including keeping it short, using numbered lists and bullets, adding links and more.
  5. Why You Aren’t As Successful As You Want To Be – Words of wisdom from Chris Brogan about why you aren’t as successful as you want to be, including the distractions, worries, etc.

Photo Credit: Frerieke

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