What can you do with Vine?

What can you do with Vine?

In part one of this three part series, we discussed the presence of social media platforms and the importance of discovering the relevance of social media in a marketing or business strategy. We introduced one of the latest social media platforms, “Vine,” and began looking into this video sharing app while introducing four ways that business owners can utilize a Vine video within their business strategy. Today, we introduce four more ways that Vine can positively impact the livelihood and successes of a business or brand.

They are:

Take people inside your everyday: Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow businesses to create a humanized and tangible persona for their fans and followers. Employers and business owners can use a Vine video as a creative aspect of their business strategy by incorporating aspects of their everyday routine. Consider taking a video within your workplace, show the culture of your company and use it to recruit future talent or retain clientele. 

Share your story: Every business has a starting point, a moment of inception that begins the building of a dream. Vine videos allow for businesses to share the story of how the current successes came to be while continuing to humanize the business by sharing its history via social media.

Promote a contest: It is no secret that we all enjoy a good contest or giveaway, but it can be a challenge to spark excitement among fans who may or may not know about your product or service. A 6 second video is a perfect addition to any business strategy and will entice potential fan engagement.

Showcase your services or products: There is no special rhyme or reason needed to showcase a product or service that someone has built a business on. Use every opportunity given to highlight the strengths of a given service or product; this can entice new fans and can act as a reminder for current followers.

Be sure to check back next week as we continue to uncover more creative and unique ways that business owners can utilize Vine to move forward and gain success.


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Three Girls Media, Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency with teams in Silicon Valley and the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs.

Call 408-218-2391 or Contact us today to arrange yours!

Photo Credit: Stefanie Burger

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