Do you ever struggle with creating new blog post ideas? As a publicist, I experience writer’s block much more than I care for, especially when it comes to blogging. But when the subject matter gets a little dry, it’s an excuse to get more creative and branch out a bit. Take a chance to step out of your product or service comfort zone and engage customers with some original content that is unpredictable. Here are six of my favorite blog post ideas for when the writer’s block sets in.

Writer's block is the worst!

Writer’s block is the worst!

1. Tips and Tricks

A blog post that offers quick tips and tricks is great for engaging your customers and bringing in new ones. Thanks to Pinterest, people everywhere are looking for creative ways to do something. Jot down a few insider tips about your product on your next blog post and you’ve got some refreshing new content

2. Case Studies

I love when a company has solid case studies or testimonials. What better place to tell your success story than in your company blog or on a dedicated page of your website?

3. Contests

This is one of my favorite blog post ideas because it gets people directly involved with your company. Contests are a great way to drive traffic to your blog and get people sharing your content. Everyone likes to win!

4. Industry News

If customers are already following your blog, it’s probable that they are following other blogs in the same industry. Keep an eye on news about your profession and be the first to break it; this will give you credibility as a trusted resource for future industry trends.

5. Interviews 

When you are browsing the magazine aisle, chances are you are paying more attention to who is on the cover more than the words on the page. Why? Because you want the inside scoop about their life! The same goes for your blog. Interviewing industry leaders or staff members gives customers an inside look behind the scenes.

What other blog post ideas do you have? We’d love to hear them in the comments below!

Photo Credit: Search Engine People Blog

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